Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 6:27 PM
今天我想用华语来type. Haha:D
& a bit of ENGLISH of course! 哈哈
Okay, I shall speak ENGLISH easier for me. :D
Yeah basically this is roughly wad happened today.
Tmr will have more events happening.
Once again! I wish all of you readers a
P.S/ Its a day of blessing. So make sure you bless someone! :D
Did you once ask, and now regret asking?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 8:33 PM
The title sound so EMO. But thn, yup. Its what Im gonna talk about.
How should I start this. Hmmm... Why not this way.
Readers, are you the oldest of ur siblings or the only child?
Have you ever thought whether was thr anymore sibling/s before you were born?
Well I have. & I went to ask my Mum. I've always wanted a older brother.
& you noe what? I do have a older brother before me. But he's not around. Apparently, if not I won't be the oldest of the 3 siblings at my house.
I have no idea how he look liked. The only thing I noe about him is that, he's older than me by 1 year old! :D
Hmmm... What happened to him, I dont really know.
Once I ask mummy but she didn't want to say. I also didn't ask further as tears were welling up in her eyes.
I really want to know more about him.
What's his name?
How does he look like?
What's his character?
Alot alot of question!
How I wished I nvr asked in the first place. :X
Should have just keep my mouth shut.
Labels: Siblings
Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 9:35 PM
Nowadays, People kept toking about eating 汤圆.
So why not I post abt it instead? :D
Yup. Another year of making alot alot alot of 汤圆!
I‘ve always wonder why do we make it and I'm still wondering. :X
This year, I didnt get to make it though.
Mummy went to work too, beside dad. So no one was at home to make it with us.
I wanted to make it by myself. But I dunno how to make it, that's the problem.
So mummy bought instant ones. I only managed to ate 3 thats all. Sad right. Yup.
So imma gonna pester mummy to make more now! Byes! :D
Labels: 汤圆
Playlist! Youtube-ing.
@ 9:25 PM
Cyndi Wang's SONGS tht are NEW! & Loved! @ wilt-edjoy.bs.
Happy Loving - Cyndi Wang
I find this super CUTE! *point at 心电心*
心电心 - Cyndi Wang.
Labels: Cyndi Wang, Youtube
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 @ 6:39 PM
Apparently Im posting just for the sake of keeping my blog alive with alot alot alot of craps. Wahaha:X Anw. regarding ystd. Had a WONDERFUL 6e'o7 gathering. We were supposed to reached the 2nd storey of the Jurong Sport Complex at 11am. However, I was a lil' late. I rched thr approx. 12pm. Sat thr and chat wif the rest tht were not playing. ( Chenfeng, Keith, Pengfun, Joshua, Denise ) Yup! Thn the rest played until ard 1pm and we set off to eat lunch. We headed out of the complex to meet Evelyn and some of us split up. A group of guys went to play basketball, and the rest of us headed to Jp. Otw, Denise and Carson were playing the 30sec games. It was super funneh! :D:D:D We ate and went to play truth/dare at a circular place ard the library. A lot of secrets were splurt out. * give a smirk. * wahaha :)) My mouth is shut! Okayyy. Thn we went back to Jp to watch movie. Only 6 people went. ( Me, Denn, Chunzi, Chenfeng, Carson and Shichun. ) We watched Planet 51. Quite nice the show. Was hilarious @some parts. The rest was worth sleeping. Literally. I don't mean to suan the movie but I was too tired to pay any attention to the movie. Plus, the cinema theatre is freezing cold! Did I mention freezing? Yup so basically, besides the funny parts, this show is just a waste of my $7 bucks. It might seem small, but I earn this very hard by doing household chores. Tedious household work. Kays. going off now write tmr! :D
P.S/ This post is longer thn I expected!
P.P.S/ Anyone Interested in Christmas Drama / Candlelight services? @ CHC, expo. Contact me @ 91718857 kay?
Love you all!
Wonder when will all this end?!
Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 8:43 PM
Thr's a gathering for 6e today.
Played badminton.
( i didn't exactly played. I went thr to chat! )
after that, went to eat lunch at JP.
went to play truth/dare + volleyball at suhui's hse thr.
thn watched movie.
Planet 51.
overall, the movie is quite hilarious.
yup more details tmr.
now have to shower.
haha :X
oh yeah,
can contact me at 91718857. tyvm.
pls dun spam or prank!
is this all a mirage?
Detailed Details Part 3
Saturday, December 12, 2009 @ 5:08 PM
Day 1
Okay, aft arriving at Malacca.
We went to check-in at the City Theme Hotel.
The Hotel literally sucks!
They didn't provide any toiletries at all!
Furthermore, the television has very bad sensor.
Okayyy... Let's not talk about the sucky Hotel.
Erm, we went to eat lunch at the Chicken Rice Ball place.
Thn went on a boat ride, the ride was 45mins long, around the Malacca river.
Ate dinner, took some photos went back to the hotel.
Showered, Watched TV, Sleep!
Oh the room is super duper cold.
I'm freezing in my sleep... :X
Day 2
Woke up. Went to my uncle's room to shower.
Played with my cousins.
The youngest one, Kai Xiang.
He loves to play "falling down" with me.
Very very very fun!
Hmmm... Thn after that, we went out to eat breakfast.
Came back and shower.
Went out again. Played with a lot of things.
The up&down tower! Actually I dunno wad is it called.
Erm, thn after that eat lunch came back to Singapore lorh! :)
after all i've done?!
Detailed Details Part 2
Friday, December 11, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
Okayyy. for today.
I shall tok about the trip to Malaysia.
-continued frm aft camp-
straight away after camp, I rushed home. Showered.
Packed bag, sit car go JB find uncle.
Slept in the car all the way thr.
I was too too too tired.
Reached my uncle's hse.
Played wif cousins.
Went to uncle's shop.
Went to visit another uncle and eat dinner.
Thn we went to malacca the next day.
Will post abt it tmr.
Now i nid to go.
Please tag!
I hate it all.
especially my family!
Labels: malaysia
'Reunion' Dinner.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 @ 12:24 PM
Had a so-called reunion dinner ystd wif papa, mama, jiejie.
Jasmine, Angeline & Weiting respectively.
I only noe abt it like 30mins before the tym.
So I rush rush go out of the house le.
Met Khairiah on the bus.
Arrived at interchange, met Vivian.
Waited for Amirah.
Met the rest at John Little. Got our batch tee.
Went to Jasmine house void deck.
Ate pizzas, each of us ate at least once.
Played wif Sparklers. Very very fun.
Khairiah and Vivian damn scared of the sparklers tht they hugged the nearby poles.
Aft we played,
Joelle, Jillian, Vivian and I wanted to see and play wif Jasmine's dog.
The name is Joey, is a male. Breed: Jack Russell + Other breed.
Basically, he's a mix breed.
anyway. while we were playing with the dog.
FYI, he's damn cute kay?
Amirah, Khairiah, Weiting went into Jasmine's room.
Angeline oso played wif the dog.
He kept running around looking for Jasmine.
He never let Jasmine out of his sight.
In the room, Weiting broke Jasmine's chair.
Angeline went into the room, Weiting thought it was Jasmine so she hug the chair.
Yar, thn very funny lor.
blah blah blah.
Thn went home.
Not really went home lah.
We went to JP to settle sth first.
Oh and haf to thank Weiting for bringing Khairiah aside.
Reached home around 10+ pm.
Showered. Sleep. Super Sleppy.
yup, tht's all i think.
Gonna continue watching my movies!
GTG. Byes~
it's simply not fair!
Detailed Details.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 10:17 PM
This post was supposed to be posted ystd.
sth crop up wif my laptop so imma gonna post it now.
^^ Haha.
The camp. It's 3 days 2 nights.
Quite tiring but was fun overall.
Day 1
Reported to sch at 8am.
We set up the tents and made our gadgets.
It rained. We had Amazing Race around Taman Jurong Area.
It was very very very tiring.
We got lost at the 1st clue. :X
Aft tht we went bck to campsite cause Ms J said our tents are flooded.
When we check, it was really flooded.
Cleared everything, had our indoor cooking competition.
My group cooking really sucks! :X But still, it's edible.
Had a lesson on conducting a campfire.
Learnt how to use a kerosene lamp.
Thn, we brush up, wash up and went to sleep.
We slept at 3B classroom as our tents are still wet.
Kangting was singing, as usual.
Me and Vivian decided to turn in first. followed by Jillian and Amirah.
Joelle and Khairiah continued their singing session with Kangting and went to sleep ltr.
Day 2
Had to report at 7am. Woke up at 6am.
We had breakfast and proceeded for outdoor cooking!
I was in the food preparation group :D
Then we had to learn to pitch a 48 peg tent.
They said it can fit around 6 to 8 people.
After that we had to prepare the campfire.
I was in the Songleader group.
It wasn't of much things. So we ended quite fast.
Had campfire and it ended nearly around 10pm.
Because the seniors shared their yarns.
Then we learnt how to make friendship bands.
Then lights out.
This time the whole batch sang.
Then Vivian slept.
Followed by Me.
Then Jillian and Amirah slept after us.
Joelle, Khairiah and KangTing kept singing.
The session ended a few minutes after.
Day 3
Same as the day before. report at 7am.
Did area cleaning.
My group suai suai, kena toilet.
But we had a lot of fun.
We used the gloves and made it into bombs and started throwong at each other while cleaning up the area.
It was very very fun, and we were all drenched.
Had manito and prize presentation and it ended.
The rest of my batch went to eat while I rushed home.
And tht will be another story.
The End. ^^
The malaysia trip I will tell u guys when i have more tiome.
I m limitted to 1 hr usage of laptop today. tym gonna end soon.
gtg! ttyl!
Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 11:44 PM
Aft looking thru the previous post.
i just realise it's also the end of my camp!
Hahaha^^ yup! I only rmb it now.
Hmmm. so i shall post abt it.
however, i'm not gonna tok much.
the pict shall do the toking for me,
as a picture speaks a thousand words!

Haha! thats all the pictures i haf!
Hmmm... Now i'll tok abit.
During the 3 days 2 nite...
we did alot of things.
we bonded alot and blah blah blah...
( all craps...)
oh, we got to know tht the princesses were not as scary as the seniors have said!
very late le. imma gonna sleep now!
good night!
abt malaysia, i'll post tmr + more of camp stuffs!
@ 7:00 PM
Hey! Yup, I'm bck frm camp + malaysia.
Not gonna post any picts yet! :X
Post tmr bah.
For today...
Happy Birthday to JOELLE & JILLIAN!
Haha:X not sure whether will they see this.
But still...
kays. gtg now. ttyl!
P.S/ Picts will be ltr! :D
Camp! + Overseas!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 @ 8:17 PM
Camp tmr.
All the way to 4th Dec.
Aft tht straight away go overseas.
Malaysia only.
But in any case,
I wont be able to blog for abt 5 days in a row.
Will miss BLOGGING!
(who don't?) :X
Anw, last camp prep today.
Managed to learn every dance steps.
Hope I wont forget! *fingers crossed.
Oh, & I gt my txtbk for nxt yr.
Haha:X I noe I'm kinda slow.
Found out tht the A-maths book is now thicker and bigger thn last yr.
So unfair. :'(
Tis means tht nxt yr, I'll haf more to study! *Boohoo.
Gonna miss my laptop.
Gonna miss my bed.
Gonna miss almost everything in my room!
Still I haf to.
Hmmm... Hope camp would be nice thn.
Gotta go now. Havent pack my camp bag yet.